What is Homeopathy
“The body heals itself; the physician is only nature’s assistant” Hippocrates
Homeopathy is a way of encouraging our own healing ability by using special preparations of natural substances and treating the person as a whole – your body inside and out, as well as your feelings and thoughts.
Homeopathy works on the principle that ‘like treats like’. Using small doses of remedies which, in larger doses, would result in symptoms similar to those being viewed. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own healing power, which in turn will assist your system to clear itself of any expressions of imbalance. The aim is to increase your level of health.
Symptoms are an expression of the body’s inability to manage its health in an appropriate way. In other words, we see the body as stuck in a pattern of reaction to a problem that could be resolved and is now doing its best effort to resolve. Symptoms are a sign of disharmony within a person and therefore homeopathy treats the person as a whole not just the disease.
Homeopathic remedies are natural and can, if necessary, be taken alongside prescribed medication. Homeopathy is safe enough to use as part of a family’s medicine cabinet. It can also be an additional way of supporting the immune system of a growing child by gently supporting the developing body’s detoxification processes.
This gentle yet effective holistic approach can be used by the whole family including pregnant women, babies and children. The beauty is that each prescription is tailored to the individual.